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2017: The RIESA - "the old lady of Oderberg"

The RIESA is not only the largest and most remarkable exhibit of the Oderberg Inland Navigation Museum, the historic Elbe side-wheel steamer has also firmly established itself as part of the townscape in its almost 40-year history.


With its fascinating and unique history, this ship provides the perfect crowning touch to a technical museum like ours. The RIESA (ex HAPSBURG) is special, not only as a former member of the Dresden White Fleet but especially so because it provided the stage for the occasion of the Emperor’s Tour. In 1901 Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary travelled along the Elbe on the then HABSBURG. Afterwards he rewarded the general director of the Saxon-Bohemian Steamship Company, Ernst Kuchenbuch, with a knighthood.

For the RIESA‘s 120th birthday, the sponsoring association of the Oderberg Inland Navigation Museum wanted to use the occasion to put more emphasis on the cultural and historical importance of the "old lady of Oderberg". With the now completed renovation of the stern salon there was finally enough space to re-conceptualise the RIESA museum.


The association wanted to do justice to the lively history of RIESA with this new concept. Accordingly a new permanent exhibition on the ship was developed which should make it easier for the visitors to experience this historical paddle steamer more directly.


Ausstellung Hecksalon



Nächste Veranstaltungen:

28. 07. 2024 - Uhr bis Uhr



Kulturerbe Oderbruch

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