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2016: The Oderberg shipyard

The Oderberg shipyard can look back on a long history: starting as a boat building company at the end of the 19th century, in the 1920s it finally developed into one of the most important employers and drivers of the regional economy. Even after the Second World War, things continued, albeit somewhat turbulently: first as a repair shipyard, a state-owned enterprise of the Soviet Union, until the publically owned enterprise Shipyard Oderberg (VEB SWO) was founded. After reunification, some entrepreneurs tried to save the shipyard that was suffering under the new economic conditions; however, after a brief "heyday" as the city's largest employer, the life of this traditional company came to a final close in November 2015.

The Oderberg Inland Navigation Museum is taking this development as an opportunity to take a closer look at the history of the shipyard - in the form of a special new exhibition. Locals from Oderberg and visitors to the museum alike will be shown the interesting and varied history of a company that has shaped the working life and leisure time of countless employees in the town for decades.

In addition to the historical development, the exhibition also focuses on the different lines of production over the course of time.


Sonderausstellung Schiffswerft



Nächste Veranstaltungen:

28. 07. 2024 - Uhr bis Uhr



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